Phase I of landscaping the log cabin has begun! First we are having the lot graded. There were so many rooty branches sticking out of the ground after construction. We hired this guy to grade the lot, prep a driveway and put the mulch out. The trees and bushes won't go in until fall - which is one of the best times to plant in Michigan, that and spring. After grading the lot on Friday he said he would be back the next day to finish. When I left the cabin on Sunday, he hadn't been back. Maybe I get to keep his tractors?! Perhaps I should give them a spin?

See my new tractor on the right?
One day this sign will actually be telling the truth!
I just love landscaping, I just don't do it very well! Part of the problem is it is too stinkin' hot to be out there!
I look forward to watching the progress.
Oh, now you're getting to the fun part! I love landscaping - I also love your new tractor! Can you fell my jealousy.;)
hahhaha love your new tractor!!!
Like this view of the cabin and lot, gives a good sense of it all.
And keep those pics coming because this will be fun to watch it progress. get to keep the tractor? Awesome!
Brandi - I'm not sure how well we'll be able to do it - might have to resort to a professional!
Bobbi - as long as nothing dies - it will be fun landscaping!
Sandy - I'm thinking of riding the tractor into town to look for the landscaper...
SandyVTW - that's what I'm thinking if he doesn't appear next weekend - ha,ha!
You've got a great start with those two little pines.
I just took some pics recently of a landscaping job we did when we moved in. I'll try to get it posted this weekend..may give you an idea or two.
Jen- would love to see your photos!
Maybe he is friends with the electrician?? Remember his perpetual no show days?? :) I think it is just par for the course, someone probably had a "landscaping emergency" and he had to run do it!!
Reliv - I am convinced that all these guys go fishing together! Things just move a little slower up north...
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