Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Windows in a log cabin

Secondary to the logs, it's the windows that make a log home too in my opinion. You want to capture the great views of your property as well as have energy efficient windows that save you money on your heating bills. I love when I'm inside our log home and am still able to see a great view of the lake and trees as well as observing the birds on our feeders. Check out some of these views from the inside of our log home:


Front wall facing the lake.

French Doors

Close up view of a portion of the loft windows.


reliv4life said...

yes, you do have some great views. I have two "paneless" windows, I don't know if that is what you call them - but they are just a big square of glass...the side door and the study window...so beautiful to look out!

Frasypoo said...

I have always loved log cabins.Have seen some in the N Georgia mountains.
Your home is beautiful

Sandi Keene said...

Those fall colors framed in your windows are gorgeous!

Lolosblog said...

What great views from each window. But I must admit, I had to keep reminding myself to look at the window and not the gorgeous trees on the outside! Lovely! In west Texas, we just go from Summer to Winter. We don't have much of an Autumn, so when the leaves change, you better look fast.

I just know I could sit and look out those windows for hours on end.

Cliff said...

I would just like to be out in the open like you seem to be. I look out my windows and see the houses behind us or the ones across the street.

I must say your log cabin looks great. I wish I could live in an area where I could benefit from windows like that.

Shelley said...

Michelle - I know your views are spectacular in MT!

Frasypoo - thank you so much and also for stopping by!

Sandi - Glad to see another new visitor - thank you!!

brandi - Sometimes I sit on my couch and look at the lake for hours!

74 - sounds like our home downstate! I hope 1 day we can be up at our log cabin permanently.

violetlady said...

You have beautiful views! The cabin has turned out so nicely. You must be so proud of it. Regarding your interview of your husband -- although I am not a hunter or fisherman - I think some vintage guns and fishing poles would look interesting on the walls.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Gorgeous windows and gorgeous views...I see that you don't have any window treatments..curtains...blinds, etc. Are you secluded enough that no one can see in? I love the look of windows with no treatments!

Shelley said...

Violet - I compromised - told him he could put it in our basement/rec area. :-)

Hi Penny - we do have blinds in the bedrooms. On either side of our home we have 2 vacant lots that aren't buildable so we won;t have neighbors. And then that front view faces the lake.

Anonymous said...

A good article

The villager: said...

You are so lucky. I would love to live in a log cabin permanently.

Nanny said...

One thing I always wanted in a house was lots of windows. Your cabin has achieved what I always dreamed of having. And the view?? Simply spectacular...Lucky you!

sandy said...

All the views are great but that bottom one! I could sit there all day. How can you stand to leave there...

I always get such a good feeling looking at these photos.