I woke up to our first snow at our log cabin! It was so beautiful with the snow flakes dusting down. The birds were all a flutter around our feeders - Juncos, Chickadees, Blue Jays, Finches, Woodpeckers and more. This is what I've always envisioned - have a cozy log cabin in the snow covered woods! Time for some hot chocolate and Christmas music! (I am allowed to play Christmas music right now...right?)
Wow, you went from 70 degrees to snow all in the same week. We've got rain cold and wet down state.
Looks beautiful!
*In a very haughty obviously jealous tone* So did you really hike in the freezing cold to take that beautiful picture or do you have a live cam set up?
Oh what a lovely photo. Frame worthy... I wonder if Houghton Lake got any snow, since our lake isn't far from there.
You are killin' me here! Log cabin bathed in snow, birds at feeders, and camera in hand. Lucky you. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
I LOVE snow, unfortunately we don't get much here in Oklahoma. You are so lucky to enjoy the beautiful snowy scene from the coziness of your log cabin!
I get more jealous each time I read your blog! Love the pictures! Yes, it is ok to listen to Christmas music! The stores have had Christmas in since August!!!
looks like a christmas card...
it's beginning to look a lot like christmas!!!!!
How beautiful!! Glad you are enjoying yourself! YES - listen to christmas music!
ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! Yes it is okay to play Christmas music. I have been anxious for the past 2 weeks to start decorating for Christmas and I don't have a cozy log cabin to decorate. I do have a beautiful view but not much snow here in Arkansas. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures with us.
A fresh snow that just covers everything can be a thing of beauty. As far as playing Christmas music, I say play it in July if you wish.
Jess - only in michigan can you go from 70 to 37 degrees in 1 day - right?! :-)
Hot Belly - *said in a sheepish, lazy tone* - I drove to the other side of the lake to take the shot! :-)
Denise - it seemed to stop south of Grayling but there's more snow headed next weekend!!
Sandi - pinch me - I'm dreamin!
Carol - I love the snow too!
Brandi - the music is coming out!
Terri - I did feel xmas today!
Michele - glad you agree on the xmas music too!
Just browsing - I'm trying to restrain myself but the xmas decorations might be up before thanksgiving!
74 - I've listened to my transiberian orchestra cd about 15 times this weekend! hubby is going crazy!
Beautiful photo of the cabin Shelley. I am jealous of this setting, although I am not ready for the snow quite yet. And as far as the Christmas music I'll reiterate what I told my husband you have to wait until the fifteenth of November. :) My sister-in-law would listen to it year round. I just go crazy because I feel that Thanksgiving is put on a back burner and almost forgotten. And it really is a great day to remember the beginning of our great nation.
I am a tad envious you know! You are enjoying the culmination of all of your planning, hopes and dreams!! I'm sure there were times when you were frutrated and second guessed yourself but now that your dream is reaoized, you must feel so content!
YES, definitely play some Christmas music!
christy - I think the 15th is doable - Lol!!
hi Connie - it was a lot of planning, saving and worrying - but you are right - it was definitely the culmination of our dream.
I say "put the christmas music on and just let loose!" Don't wait till the 15th, what's five days anyway! So just jump in with both feet and ENJOY!!
I don't like snow, but I do. :D
Beautiful picture!
How beautiful! There is nothing like the first snow. Escpecially in your log cabin in the woods! I say put the Christmas music on!!
Wow - I love the snow!
What a beautiful home you have! We are big fans of log and timber frame homes, hoping to eventually build one on our mtn property here in VA. I am nuts about snow, too! Loved seeing this photo today, plus the one of the chickadee! Too cool. We once had a nest with baby chickadees in our crepe myrtle bush. We held our breaths until they had safely left the nest as our cats loved watching them. ;-)
Countryview - thank you for the encouragement!!
Jen - I am going to make my 1st snowman esp. for you! :-)
Penny - thank you! let me know if you have any requests! :-)
Bobbi - my sentiments exactly!
Shirley - thank you so much for stopping by! I hear Virginia is beautiful country!
Oh I'm SO jealous!!!!! Love the snow pictures.. I hope we get some here this winter. Last year, we got VERY little!!!!
Get that hot chocolate and music ready... We'll be there soon!!! ha ha
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