I think a snowy day at the log cabin is reason enough to cozy up with a good book! Maybe it's age, but I now tend to gravitate toward non-fiction books, usually stories involving involving nature, wildlife, survival and travel as well as every log home book I can get my hands on. A while back I had asked everyone for some book recommendations that would be good to read at the cabin - I've been slowly knocking down the list. I think Jessica at
Five Pines had recommended the "Indian Creek Chronicles" to me. I loved that book - it was a funny but warm story about a 19 year old college student working at the dept. of Fish & Game.
Have you come across any new books that you've read recently and would recommend?

This is our lake. Our cabin is off in the distance.

I just finished a new book that came out based upon the journals of Dick Proenneke - "More Readings from One Man's Wilderness." I put the link for this on the sidebar. Excellent book if you like stories about self sufficiency, simple life and the great outdoors of Alaska. Now I'm picking up Walden (again!) by Thoreau.

Also, it's nice to grab a warm, purring cat to read with. I think he likes when I read to him...

But I bet Marvin is still thinking about that feathered owl I took away from him!
More snowy pix! I love it!
I love the first snowfall. We haven't had as much as one flake fall. It has been "raining leaves" though.
I love to read at night. Right before bed. I read mysteries, nothing too involved, light reading.
I am going to make a few wine glasses. I thought I would use deep purple beads, they would look great with red or white wine.
I love the color of your couch. Looks cozy and warm to read a book at.
OH your little cozy spot on the couch looks very inviting!! I am glad you are enjoying your time reading!!
Oh, snow would be so nice. It was near 80 here today! We don't get much "winter" weather untile after Christmas.
I would love to be curled up on the comfy red sofa!
Your cabin looks so beautiful with the snow! I wish I could recommend some books but I've been so busy painting lately that I haven't had time to read in a while.
Your couch looks like a very inviting place to curl up with a good book. Walden is one of my favorite books, actually I like all of Thoreau's writings. Another favorite of mine that I'm reading right now is "The strength of the hills" by Elswyth Thane. I don't have any idea where you could get a copy of it, I found mine at a yard sale years ago. It was originally published as "The reluctant farmer" in 1950. As you can tell, maybe, I love to read! I really liked the pictures you posted today, thank you!
Bobbi - I am really enjoying the snow too!
Picket Fence - me too! And I think you're right about the deep purple beads!
Denise - thank you! my hubby wasn't sure about the color but I wanted something to pop agains all those wood walls!
michele - love it!
Brandi - when February rolls around - I might be craving the 80 degree weather!
Catherine - I've seen your beautiful blog & paintings -you ARE very busy!! :-)
Countryview - I enjoy Thoreau too!
Oh I have the perfect book for you! You have to read this book!! I just picked it up a few days ago and I can't put it down. It's called "Wesley The Owl". It's about a young woman who adopts a baby barn owl and raises him. He lives with her for 19 years before he dies. It's a true story and so heartwarming!
Glad you liked Indian Creek... I enjoyed that book too.
Jessica - this is so weird! I just read Wesley the Owl this past week! Loved it! Cried when he died at the end! You and I should seriously start talking book exchanges....
Okay, I can't believe this ... I posted the first time here yesterday and I check back today and there is a picture of my sofa ... and ottoman! We have that same sofa, love seat, chair, and ottoman. (Ours came from Ashley Furniture.) We must be long lost, kindred spirits or something. ;-) Oh, and BTW, our cat, Huckleberry, is very fond of the loveseat.
Thanks for the warm welcome! Absolutely love all these pics, too. I am so weak for snow. I think snow is God's way of making us SLOW down and appreciate life. Of course, since I live in VA, we can slow down and take a break with snow ... it doesn't happen so often that we have to keep marching on like you folks in the north often do.
Surprised to hear that you got that much snow down there. Now you'll see all the long lost birds at your feeder... the rumor will get out in short order that the feeder is full at your place... only problem is that the red squirrels are party crashers... let the photo ops begin!!
I scrolled down real quick and see lots of goodies to look at - fun...can't wait to have time...tomorrow?
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