Let's paddle at a leisurely pace and see what we can find.

Here is one of the many water lilies that float on our lake.

Look up ahead! Do you see something in that tall birch tree? Let's get a little closer.
Well it's Harry the Blue Heron! He thinks we can't see him and I'm glad. It allows us enough time to admire his beauty and snap a few shots.

Whoops - looks like he has an itch! We'll just give him some privacy and keep paddling.

Look - there's a family of ducks up ahead. Let's paddle over there.
Well aren't they a fine looking family! They're quacking now, so I'm going to leave them be. Now I hear something else across the lake....

Scout is barking at us from the deck of the log cabin. We better head back and give her a biscuit. Hope you enjoyed today's kayak ride. Scout said next time she would like to ride in the kayak with one of you. Any takers?

How beautiful Shelley. And yes I'd love to ride with Scout. Maybe we can bark at Mr. Heron. But I guess that wouldn't be nice would it?
Such a great kayak ride. Thanks. Has the puppy been out for a ride yet?
That must be the most fun in the world, just to be out on the lake. Fall will be beautiful.
I'd love to take a kayak ride with Scout. He'll do the rowing, won't he??????????? I like to SIT and just enjoy the ride!!! That's why I enjoyed going with you on your kayak ride tonight. I got to sit and just enjoy it... ha
Pretty Blue Heron... I bet he wonders what you are doing in HIS lake....
Have you seen the loons lately?
I'd love to take a ride with Scout, if she promises not to tip us over. Great photos. Thanks for the ride.
Thanks for the ride I think I am getting lake sick!!!!LOL We have a lot of Blue Herons around were we live.
This is so cute shelly. I have told you before that I have not kayaked yet...until NOW. :)
I will go any where with scout...anytime.
Beautiful photos.The water looks very clear. Scout is growing so fast. Can he come for a visit?! Love that dog. Sharon
Shelley haven't taken a glide on the lake in the kayak for awhile. Nice thing to do today! Mr. Heron is very handsome. Scout checking out the view is very pretty. Lake Life is Good.
Such beautiful photos, Shelley. What a peaceful trip ~ thanks for sharing.
Beautiful scenery, so calm and peaceful. That Scout likes to be where the action is. What a pretty puppy.
Thanks for the ride! Glen and I have not been out in the canoe yet this year!!! He's been too busy with work.
I love the picture of scout, so cute.
I'll sit and scratch Scout's ears while I read a book and we await your return from your next kayak ride! I don't do water craft very well!
Lovely trip across the lake. Next time I will pack us a lunch so we can pull up to shore somewhere and have a bite. Oh, and Scout? Pick me, pick me!
How beautiful! I would love to take a kayak ride with you and Scout!
Wonderful photos--razor sharpness!
I bet Scout would be a perfect kayak buddy! There is another blogger I follow who loves to kayak and her dog swims alongside! I have to tell this story in relation to that...Once my x husband and I were fishing we took our dogs Sam a German shepherd and Manfred a miniature dachshund with us--after catching nothing on shore we decided to take Manfred with us in a row boat to the middle of this large pond...so we rowed out---when we reached the middle suddenly the boat tilted and nearly toppled to one side as SAM, (the 85 lb sheperd) who had swam out unknown to us behind the boat, was trying to climb in!...LOL he fooled us! We helped him in then all of us rowed back to shore to unload our BIG CATCH!
your photos are so awesome. I love all of them, and the things you are able to see are amazing. I cant imagine anything more peaceful.
Your last one of Scout, I would do that in a black and white and hang it above your bed...its beyond beautiful.
Oh me me me! I wanna go for a ride w/ Scout! hehehe
You have a fantastic zoom on that thing to get such clear close up shots of Harry! Very cool!
I also wanted to let ya know that I received your package & I'll be posting about it this weekend. Thank you so much
OOOOOOoooo...that blue heron!
He is absolutely GORGEOUS....I love those birds. You got such wonderful shots of him..thanks so much for sharing them.
Thanks for taking us with you on this kayak ride. I look forward to another one, but I think I'll let you take Scout.
Thanks for letting us paddle with you today!
Thank you for such as awesome kayak ride. Scout just keeps getting cuter.
If you are going to have the camera think Scout needs to be with Greg. Don't want that camera ending out in the water. I really like the way you are right down there a water level when you take photos from the kayak.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
I "heart" Scout. She is adorable!
What fun kayaking. I haven't been in so long. Need to steal my parents sometime and go for a stroll down the Thunder Bay River.
Great pics Shelly!
Shelly, Don't you just love kayaking...I have been using Roy's, but we are looking at one for me. Beautiful pictures and so peaceful to just glide along.
Scout can go with me anywhere.
Oh how beautiful! It's almost as If I was there with you. How peaceful....
I really enjoyed the scenery from your kayak. Thanks for the ride.
The picture of Scout is adorable.
I don't think you want me in that kayak. Didn't you hear about my trip to Tipacanoe? HA!
Great pictures of the lake activity!!
Outstanding shot of the heron. You must have a killer telephoto lens to get that as they are usually so spooked if anyone comes near. Love the shot of Scout!
Scout is so darn cute.
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