Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thinking of fall and dog halloween costumes

“There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!”

- Percy Bysshe Shelley

I hope my husband is not reading this today because I know he'll think I'm ridiculous for wanting to get Scout a halloween costume. (He better watch it or I'll get him a matching one and make him take Scout trick or treating! Ha!) Anyways, here's a few I found on the Internet:

Look at this Taco one! I think Scout is too big, but JEN - how about for Hershey or Betty?

Darla, I can't remember if you have any dogs but I know you like flowers!

Suz, for some reason this made me think of Bartholomew!

Hmmm.....I've always wanted Scout to become a doctor when she grows up....

Decisions, decisions! What is your pooch going to be for Halloween?


NCmountainwoman said...

Both of my dogs are dressing up as Golden Retrievers.

Carol said...

Love the taco outfit!

April said...

I agree...that taco outfit takes the cake! As for Bella and Maddie...I think they'll just sit around and bark at all the treat-or-treaters who come by!:)

Dawn Marie said...

My dog would bite me if I did this or hide under the bed and hate me! lol...I would love to though. I have used scarves and just those head things.

Anonymous said...

At a store called "Ross" yesterday, I saw a moose Halloween outfit. That would be cute for Scout to wear at the cabin! Have a great day Shelley.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh Shelley, please! No costumes for the dog! Let her have her dignity.

Love, love, love the picture of your cabin!

A New England Girl said...

Gorgeous autumn photo. The colors against the lake are just gorgeous!

And I agree with some... no costumes! The thought of a dog dressed up makes me shudder. Too cruel! :)

joated said...

Nice cabin photo!

As for costumes for Scout...Please don't! (That is unless you dress as a sheep and let Scout herd you around the neighborhood. After all, that's what a 'Bernie' would do in real life, no? It's a working breed.)

Anonymous said...

Oh I think the prison outfit is cute! hehehe How bout Spuds from the old beer commercials? LoL!

Debbie said...

I absolutely love the picture of the cabin. Simply beautiful!

My cousin has two yorkies and she dresses them for Halloween. Its cute and they seem to love dressing up. I do good to put a bandana on Sasha... and she has one for almost all holidays! lol

Take Care Shelley,

Just a little something from Judy said...

That first photo had me just sitting here starring at it. It is gorgeous!!!!! Like I tell you so often...I would never leave it. As for Scout's halloween costume...I only wish you would live nearby, so that I could see Greg taking Scout out to trick or treating. Please keep us updated.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Shelley, I think you ought to dress Scout up like a LOON. That way you'd have two of your fav's right there...... How do you like that idea???

Cute post... Are you getting more color up there now? Did you get any of that snow?????

Have a great day.
Betsy--on the road, on my laptop

Ginger said...

Shelley, you are too funny. That would be a cute picture though, Greg and Scout dressed up in costumes, trick or treating. lol.

Denise said...

I want to get Spikey the squirrel costume from Target. For obvious reasons!!


grammy said...

That picture is amazing...is it really your cabin? Love it.
I am sure you will end up doing a dog costume. You gotta do what you gotta do, right?

KathyB. said...

Ha ha! I think you should get your husband and Scout matching costumes, and take a LOT of pictures for us to enjoy.

Karen said...

My pooches are going to be - probably locked up in the laundry room - cause the little bratty girl Jorja BARKS every time the doorbell rings and drives everyone CRAZY!!!! (what - my dog? Did I say that?) LOL. Not Harley - he just wants to give everyone lots of love!

My old boss used to dress her Chihuahuas (geez, I just totally blanked on how to spell that!) as lady bugs. My goodness they were cute.


Madison said...

My dog was going to be a robot for a contest online but im not doing it anymore. But I really love the prisoner one for Scout! Just pretend that your cat finally caught Scout and put her in jail!LOL

Anonymous said...

Aw, I think you HAVE to go all out for Halloween in at least one way or another. Go, Scout! I love dog costumes. We're doing the whole decorating outside thing here. It's a big to-do, so I'm thinking about just doing it for that last week before Halloween. Gorgeous pic, as always.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Shelley, this is too cute. I think Bartholomew would put up with anything we dressed him up in..he is agreeable that way!!!
I think Scout would make an adorable bumble bee and Gregg??? How about a pollen filled flower?? :) good luck with this!

Jen said...

I think Scout's natural beauty is enough to get a bag full of treats.
All Betty needs is a pitch fork; she has all the rest for being a devil dog. and of course everyone would want Hershey in their trick or treat bag to take home. ;)

Rural Rambler said...

No pups at our place Shelley but I just wanted to say that capture of your cabin is STUNNING. Takes my breath away!

I think you should let Scout Girl go nekkid! OR in a pair of Bibs!

Juanita said...

This are too cute! LOL!!! Thanks for sharing and have a blessed day!

ctlogcabin said...

Hi Shelley.. I love all the costumes..made me
Smile, Thanks. Hugs ~ Connie xox

Connie said...

Beautiful photo and the cutest dog costumes!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Shelly, I love all of the outfits! Of course Scout should have a Halloween outfit. Charli is excited to be showing her costrume next week. Can you guess what she is going to be? Charli says not to forget to get Scout a trick or treat bag because dogs love halloween just as much as humans do.

Dawn Fine said...

Lovely fall photo! Cute pup outfits!