I also saw my first eastern Blue Bird! I was so excited - took several bad shots and the only one that was half-way decent was this one of him apparently snubbing me. Ah well, I probably deserved it!

How are the fall colors in your area? Have you been doing any fall baking?
Fall in the mountains with leaves peaking in a log cabin. Does it get any better than that? Enjoy every minute!
Your colors are pretty, Shelley! Our trees have changed a lot just in the last few days. Hope you have a great time at the cabin. :)
Hey, Shelley!
So good to see a post from you! Happy fall to you, enjoy your weekend.
Hey Shelley, welcome back. You've been missed. Fall is indeed beautiful and also my favorite season. Here in northern NH it's been unseasonably warm and I'm still getting tomatoes from my garden. We've only had 2 or 3 frosts and I've only needed to start the wood stove once.
The fall has been long and beautiful here. I can't complain. Normally by now we have snow. I'm glad it is the same for you.
Hi Shelley! Missed you...
Love your bluebird pic. We have them here in NC too.
Sounds like fall in your log home will be wonderful!
I don't know what you're shooting with but your photography is absolutely vivid. Loved looking back. Our fall peak was over two weeks ago and we are in NorthCentral WI...the lakes keep your colors longer, lucky you. Have a great weekend at that gorgeous cabin.
We went to the Smokeys today and saw some gorgeous autumn colors. They are just starting to show up around the house.
I can't imagine why that bluebird would ignore you. I couldn't imagine doing that to you.
He was snubbing you because you forgot about your blog friends. And he has a blog too. :)
Fall color?? what??? green????
Missed you!!!!
Oh, I wish blue-birds were more common around here. We do get the dramatic and stunning Stellar Jays though, and they are fun to watch even though they are bullies.
Fall in a cabin in the mountains with your gorgeous Bernese mountain dog.... you are so blessed Shelley !
Hi Shelly, It was so good to hear from you. I hope all of your family and little critters are doing well. There is nothing quite like autumn in Michigan. It's so beautiful here! I hope you have a great weekend. Charli is sending woffs your way :>)
Aside from the wonderful local apples, we are already baking up a storm. Baked acorn squash with apple; stuffed butternut squash; pumpkin bread to mention a few.
Colors are great here and will peak in another week or so. That is, if this wind ever stops blowing the leaves off the trees.
Our fall colours are several weeks late. Up the lake the maples are just starting to turn. Usually by now they are already gold and orange. I am getting a new propane fridge and oven next week. Then I'll try a bit of baking just for the fun of it. - Margy
ahhh I miss the colors of northern michigan in the fall.
Yesterday we were hiking in the mountains and I actually thought about you and your cabin. It is the most beautiful season here for the colors. We are enjoying all the time outdoors. Great pictures!
We don't get Fall colors that are nearly as vibrant as yours. It's been staying pretty warm here too. We're so ready for the weather to change!
Have a great week!
Drove to see family in Michigan and the colors were marvelous. Closer to home, an apple crisp was in the oven over the weekend :)
I know you're just itchin' to get to the cabin, Shelley, and I don't blame you. Can't wait to see some of your gorgeous pics once you're there. Enjoy!
We've missed you, Shelley! Those fall colors are outstanding! I can hardly wait for ours to reach their peak!
Hello! Welcome to Fall! Love the Bluebird shot.
Welcome back - you were missed! As were your other three :-)
Hopefully you'll post more than once every three months - but we all hung in there knowing you would surface and bring us up to date... love the pictures!
Hellooo! Just wanted to say hi and tell you I miss visiting here!
Sending hugs,
Monica xo
Very nice pet of pictures.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! I hope you have the best holiday ever ♥
Hi Shelly, been along time! Hope your well. I'm doing so so, have some new life struggles dealt to me. Life is one bump after another!
I see you disappeared again - hope you're doing just fine!
Merry Christmas!!
Haven't seen any posts from you in a while, Shelley...just checking in to see if you're okay.
I miss your pretty pics, and Marvin too.
Hi! I see your not around much either! I hope you find your way back..I'm trying to find my way back..thank you for your encouraging words. I'm doing ok..
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