Gosh, it feels like ages since I've posted. To give you a quick run down.....changed jobs, registered for classes, been playing with my niece, had a bad root canal (which has left me with nightmares of my dentist) and joined the Board of Directors at the Michigan Audubon Society. How's that for busy?
I've started to decorate the log cabin for Christmas, just need to do the outside. I'll post some photos when we head up there next weekend. I can't tell you how much I daydream when I'm in my car (or at work, ha,ha!) and think about being at the cabin, snow on the ground, birds at my feeders, warm kitty on my lap, fluffy dog at my feet, hot chocolate in my hand and having my neighbors caroling outside my door. Okay...we know that's not going to happen......but really, don't you think they can at least sing to me?