"That's a lot of wood you have here!"
If my friends and family are reading this right now, I guarantee they are laughing their butts off as they have heard me tell this irksome story so many times!
A person (who shall remain unnamed) came to see my log home for the first time. The very first comment out of this person's mouth after looking at the walls up and down was to say "That's a lot of wood you have here!" (The silent retort in my head "well genius, this is a LOG HOME!"
The second comment came as they were pointing to my loft floor - "That's too bad that they couldn't have brought that floor across so you could have more room upstairs." (The silent retort in my head - "well then I wouldn't have a 2-story living area and it wouldn't be a loft!")
And then that was it. No compliments. Nothing afterwards to say "this is a nice log home" or "I like that lamp you have, etc.." The retort in my head at this point was "Don't you realize that this is a craftsman work of art? It's a log home! Isn't there anything - anything you like about it?"
Yep, my family and friends are laughing - they can't believe I let that comment get to me. In fact, when my brother-in-law signed my guest book at the log cabin, he had to put down that phrase "that's a lot of wood you have here". (No, he wasn't the original culprit.)
I do have to laugh about it now. I will forgive but NEVER forget. I know not everyone likes log homes (it's hard for me to fathom in my log obsessed world) - everyone has their own taste and style. But still...don't you think a log home is cool??