I swear time just keeps getting away from me! Jane (Jumping in the Jungle) and Tricia (Bluff Area Daily) - please email your address to me at shelleyupnorth at gmail dot com so I can send your pay it forward gifts! Sounds like a lot of people have gotten into the spirit already!
And now how about a gratuitous photo of Scout?
That is an adorable picture - what a personality Scout has! Precious.
Oh goodness, I just want to kiss her! You are so lucky, goats and chickens just aren't that cuddly-sigh~~~
She is sooo cute!
Scout is just adorable, Shelley...
Hope you are doing okay.. Sounds like you are BUSY.
Awwwwww! Scouts losing his baby fat. Just look at that precious face. Kisses and hugs Sharon
AAAAWWWW! Look at that face! Sooo cuuute!
I'm getting ready to send an email now! Thank you!
Just look at that FACE.
I agree with you, time goes so fast and there is so much to do. Scout has no idea how many people are waiting to see pictures of her. She is so cute!!
I want that dog even if just for a weekend visit! Cute....cute cute!
Shelly, you MUST make that bread pudding at your cabin, it seems so fitting to have it there. Let it get chilled or cold, i noticed that was the best time to eat it. And make sure you have a bucket of vanilla ice cream to go with it.
I just want to squeeze her, she's soooooo cute!
My goodness Scout is growing!!
Scout is so beautiful. I love this picture ♥
Scout is a real cutie! ;-)
Aww...makes my heart heart skip a beat!
Scout... would you like to play with us??? ;))))
Monica and Kim xxx
Great picture of Scout!
That is such an ADORABLE photo of Scout!!! And she just is growing sooo fast. Make it stop make it stop!!LOL Hope you have a great day!!!
Love, Madison
Scout is adorable...Buster would just love her:)
Scout you lookin' good girly girl!
♥ to sweet Scout ... she is getting so big! What a sweetie.
WOW somebody is Growing--sweet.
She's so stinkin SWEEEEET! :)
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