Monday, August 17, 2009

This cracks me up!

We're back from a long weekend at the log cabin. The weather was great and it was nice to spend time outdoors. Greg did some fishing with my stepson and I spent time kayaking and taking photos.

But I digress.....I know Greg is going to kill me but I just had to post this photo! Greg was trying to show Scout that it was okay to sleep in the the crate.....

Are you laughing??????? Cuz I still am!!!


Anonymous said...

HILARIOUS!!! Look at the face on Scout - Priceless!

Tami Weingartner said...

That is tooooo funny!

Did she sleep in the crate?

Sandi Keene said...

Too funny! "Hey, Daddy - were we bad??!"

A New England Girl said...

SO funny!! And to think it took some time convincing this guy to let you get a Bernese, huh? She so has him wrapped around her little paw! :)

I can't stop giggling over this. Thank you for sharing!! :)

Sandy@American Way Farm said...

Now that's one for the husband chronicles! Give's a new meaning to being in the dog house. ROFL! Scout's expression is "You've got to be kidding, right?" I'm going to chuckle at that one all evening.

Rick and Dianne said...

Just so funny...the expression on Scout's face...I can almost hear her thinking "But why am I in the crate???"

Thanks for a great laugh!

Anonymous said...

It's been nice knowing you Shelley!!!!!!!!!! I think Greg is going to get you for this! HA The look you captured on Scout's face says it all - "Mommy, what's Daddy doing in here??"

Wildflowerhouse said...

Scout hold out for the big people bed! Let them sleep in the crate. Right!!!!! Too funny. Did Daddy spend the night there?! Sharon

Denise said...

Looks to me that Scout thinks it's perfectly fine for Greg to sleep in the crate!! LOL


Dawn Marie said...

lollllll..what you need to do is get that developed into a big photo and give it to him as a gift one day. these men end up loving our pets more than we do.

basketsnprims said...

That's a riot, Shelley! It was beautiful in northern Mi. this weekend wasn't it?

Jen said...

Scout looks unhappy to say the least. I would pay money to see Greg's face about now. ha!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Not just laughing....but ROFLMAO!

Judy said...

Oh Shelley that takes the prize as the funniest photo. I actually think Scout still thought it was a bad idea to sleep in the crate.

Leedra said...

I think he wasn't too happy at you when you were standing there with the camera, so he sure isn't now. Remember Greg let you have Scout.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Leedra’s Greeting Cards

Photography By Leedra

A New England Life said...

Scout, if I were you I wouldn't sleep in there until the big guy gets out and they put a nice warm cozy bed in there with some fuzzy blankets.

My dog Lily says she wouldn't sleep in there at all. She'd sleep in Mom's bed ; )

NCmountainwoman said...

Oh yes, I am still laughing. Such a great expression on Scout's face!

You might want to consider blocking off part of the crate so it isn't so large until she gets a bit bigger. Put a couple of hard chew toys (something that cannot splinter) in there and put her in with the door close for short periods after she's had a lot of exercise. Leave the room and let her cry if necessary. When you go back to get her, open the door mater-of-factly, and don't make a big deal out of it. Otherwise she will get the idea she's being "released from prison."

When she's put to bed at night, it's for good. Let her out if you think she really needs to pee, but then put her right back in. Never, ever use the crate to contain her as punishment of any kind, and keep the door open unless you are crating her. It also helps to use some sort of word such as "kennel" or "crate" or "bed" to let her know it's time to go inside for a while. She will adapt and learn to love the security of her crate even when the door is open.

Our girls (especially Ellie) go to their open crates often during the day to snooze or when things are too noisy in the house. We crate them only at night, but often during the day we will come home to find them sleeping in their open crates.

joated said...

My stars and kittens! Where was Marvin while this was going on? Looking for a padlock?

(At first I wondered what Greg had done that you put him in the dog house, but then I realized you would never do that to Scout.)

Anonymous said...

Judging by the look on Scout's face, which is adorable, Greg's attempt at winning her over on sleeping in the cage isn't a huge success. :>)

Busy Bee Suz said...

I LOVE GREG AND HIS DEVOTION TO SCOUT. Yes, I am still laughing. :)

Something Nice and Pretty said...

That is the look on Scout's face too!

Madison said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!! I love it!!! What is also funny is it looks like Scout is looking at you saying..... what is this crazy man doing!!!! I am laughing right now!!!

Anonymous said...


For my dog Reggie, it helped to move the crate to my bedroom for the night. In the morning I carried her in the crate to the kitchen to let her out. Once she got too heavy to carry with the crate she got to stay in the kitchen.

It worked!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Shell---that is totally awesome. I laughed and laughed.. Did Scout learn?????? ha ha


Anonymous said... the look on Scouts face I don't think she is buying it....

Wall-to-wall books said...

Ha ha, I have a photo just like that only of my daughter and her bunny! I'll have to see if I can find it and post it next week. It was quite a few years ago.

rosemarie said...


Heather said...

Oh dear... I don't know who's more upset... Scout in that picture, or Greg when he finds out you put that picture up! HeeHeeHeeeee! Too cute!

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Oh that is priceless...Scout looks like she's saying, "Okay, this man is crazy." So cute!


The Retired One said...

Scout's expression is priceless.
She is saying:
"Like, I am TOTALLY bored with this whole crate thing."
"Let HIM stay in it if he is so thrilled with the concept."
"When will they just let me be ME?"


Ginger said...

Shelley, that photo is hilarious. I love the expression on Scout's face.
We have a kennel that size in the bedroom for our dog, with a real nice bed in it. He loves it, especially in the winter cause it's all warm and cozy.

April said...

Talk about some blackmail material!:) I definitely think that Scout has him wrapped around her furry little paw!

•♦•©The Olde Weeping Cedar •♦• said...

OMGosh...that's sooooo FUNNY!!!
I don't know which is funnier, Greg in the crate or the look on Scouts face!!!

Awwwwwh thanks for the laugh, girl ;)


Anonymous said...

That is great shelley! I hope greg is not too mad! :) And Scout is so cute...look at that poise! Have a great week!

GranthamLynn said...

Oh how precious! I don't even remember where I came here from but your title Building a Log Cabin lured me and what a cute post to come to. I'll stay awhile and read some more. The cutest thing is you've got a cool man.
Many Blessings,

Barbara said...

Shelly, I really would not blame Greg if he stangled you, but this is so funny. Yes, I am dying laughing, but I have done some strange things with and for my animals, so I will give a heads up to should be ashamed to post this great picture.


Rural Rambler said...

Scout's whole expression says it all! What we do for our fur kids?! That is a good guy that would climb in that crate to help out little Scout-too, too funny :)

Knatolee said...

Greg should just be glad you didn't take a pic of him in a skirt and post it... ;)

Scout looks quite happy in there with her Daddy!

Cedar ... said...

Scout's eyes tell me she's not completely in favor of that idea. Perhaps some pillows or a cozy blanket to "nest" into might help. Scout's sure a cutie!

Cliff said...

My question is, will Greg get equal time?

Joy ~ Doodlebug ~ said...

Yep. That's HILARIOUS!!! Scout's like, "OK....What is wrong with him? Is he insane?". LOL priceless!!!!

Love, Joy =D

blushing rose said...

Cute as a button ...... & poochie, too! This is TOO funny, you are right. TTFN ~Marydon

grammy said...

Love the flowers and I want some of that quiche! Yes I am laughing about the puppy and hubby in the crate (o:

Rose said...

I cannot look at anything but Scout! She has me wrapped around her little toe and I haven't even met her. I bet she will be one that can read your mind. and I am not joking or exaggerating.

Nanny said...

Ha ha ha.....The look on Scout's face is precious! I don't think she is convinced yet. Try putting a blanket and some of her favorite toys in there. Make it her own personal place where she can go whenever she feels like being alone.

Where was Marvin during all this?

Kentucky Farm Girl said...

That is just too cute! Obviously, he has fallen in love with Scout just as much as you have!

Wildflowerhouse said...

Shelley, Left you a little message on my blog. Drop by for a peek.Sharon

Dawn Fine said...

LOL..hee hee...silly hubby of yours!

George said...

I can understand why Greg didn't want this picture posted, but it's obvious he has taken to Scout big time. It's also obvious the picture is very funny!!

Anonymous said...

That's brilliant, yep, still laughing. I just love the look on Scout's face!