Monday, October 19, 2009

Leaves at the cabin

Look at all the leaves that have fallen around the cabin! And I have one question...

Who is going to rake all these lovely leaves?


Hey! Greg and Scout - where do you think you two are going???


Dawn Marie said...

its so pretty. I bet they enjoyed a nice fall walk BEFORE raking the leaves right?

Madison said...

I will! Just let me fly from FL to Michigan!LOL I really would if I was up there!

Debbie said...

The leaves look beautiful! Ours are just turning now. We finally had our first frost Saturday night. I can't wait to get out and take some pictures.

My DH's solution for raking is the wind! lol

Take Care,

April said...

If it's any consolation...we have just as many leaves at our house Drives me so crazy! I want one of those big tractors that has a hose attached that you can vacuum the leaves up with...wouldn't that be great?

Wall-to-wall books said...

Sure! They disappear when there is work to be done. But as soon as the leaves are raked and in a nice pile I bet scout will be around to jump in it. Am I right?

grammy said...

Love the leaves. Wish we had some pretty red ones to play in instead of the dry dusty brown ones.
No one has to rake out in the woods do they ??? (o:

Busy Bee Suz said...

So pretty Shelley.
Do they really have to be raked? Don't they just turn into nice compost on the ground for the spring??????
I won't complain about my 3 palm fronds that fell this weekend then. :)

Kentucky Farm Girl said...

Beautiful! We have had 2 frost mornings in a row here. The leaves are rally changing fast now.

A New England Girl said...

Ohhh... the cabin and surrounding area looks so lovely and so peaceful in all its autumn splendor. How gorgeous. I say leave the leaves there for a few days. ;) It looks so picturesque!

West Side of Straight said...

What beautiful leaves you had this year - Minnesota color in our area wasn't so nice this year due to rain. Bet Shelly is growing!! Love our Berners...

Madison said...

Thanks I love my music too! I just added my playlist back on my blog! And bike riding was a lot of fun on that day! Perfect weather the whole day through!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I'll come and rake your leaves, Shel... IF you let me stay in your pretty little cabin... I love to rake leaves into big piles and then play in the leaves. The 'inner' child (and 'outer' child) comes out!!!!! ha

Great pictures!!!!

NCmountainwoman said...

I agree with Suz...why do they have to be raked? The wind will blow them around sooner or later and the remaining ones are good compost.

Every fall since we built in the woods my husband smiles because the leaves just fall to the forest floor. We do blow the driveway every now and then.

Anonymous said...

Sigh..... How beautiful it is at your little log cabin ♥ I can invision you having hot chocolate on the deck and watching the leaves fall. I'll bet Scout thinks she is in doggy heaven up there.

Anonymous said...

LoL! Good one & the the colors are amazing!

Monica said...

Fabulous colors, Shelley! Today I mowed the lawn so I hadn't to rake the leaves ;))

Cedar ... said...

If Greg and Scout are headed out for a walk, I guess you will be raking the leaves! :) What beautiful photos,...

Deb said...

Oh your pictures here are so beautiful Shelley. We LOVE Michigan too (and have the best memories of the year we spent there) & seeing your gorgeous Fall photos makes me want to visit and take in all it's beauty ♥

The Retired One said...

Rake them? RAKE THEM?
No one!
Heck, they make great mulch and they protect your yard all winter...Just rake a little in the spring.
Done deal.
Your cabin is gorgeous in the fall setting, don't you just love the smell when it is fall and the leaves are all like that? YUM!

Anonymous said...

Rake 'em? Hah! LOL - I like the look of 'em and the crunch, so I just leave 'em. I don't know where they go, but once I mow in Spring, they're gone. Guess they just mulch up into fertilizer. Gorgeous Fall yard!

Denise said...

Sorry, not me!!

The pictures are lovely!


Just a little something from Judy said...

I will help, really I will. I was wondering if you could wait until a strong wind comes along. Does that help your leaf situation? I am sure Greg and Scout wanted a brisk walk before they tackled the big leaf job. Beautiful photos!

Karen said...

Ok, now you'll know I'm crazy. I like raking leaves. I always have. It's . . . therapeutic. Kind of like cleaning the pool! LOl.
Go ahead! "Karen, you're nuts! SCOUT! GREG! Get back here!"

George said...

It certainly looks as if autumn is beautiful around your cabin. I know someone who loves to rake leaves, but I won't let her go to Michigan without me!

Gail said...

First visit for me. The header is stunning and I enjoyed your fall post.

Unknown said...

Hi Shelley, I came across your blog on New England Cabin and love it. We are renovating an old watermill in France and I have a blog about it. Would you like to exchange links. The blog is

rosemarie said...

we are getting alot leaves .. looks great just laying there ,the wind will blow some of them...

Catherine Holman said...

I'd just leave them! I've missed reading your blog and have been playing catch up. Your photos are beautiful. What a lovely place to be this time of year! Thanks for your kind compliment about my hair.

BBC said...

Nice blog but I wouldn't call that a log cabin, I'd call it a home. Have never built one myself even though I've lived off the grid a few times.

*I've temporarily have had to put on comment moderation due to an overload of spammer comments - sorry!

I went to moderation to get rid of some assholes, if you just want to reduce spam try word verification or registered bloggers only.

Still pretty green here, very mild winters here in fact and what does turn soon returns.

sandy said...

Gotta move on to other blogs while I have a little time this morning but had to comment on these great photos. Love those fall colors. I love to rake leaves by the way.