Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Log Cabin Feathered Friends

The bird watching has been great at the cabin. I currently have a wren, a chickadee and a tree swallow nesting in my bird houses. I am so excited - do you want to come to my birdy baby shower?! LOL!

Here's my nesting Tree Swallow. The male always watches over the nest box from a nearby tree and brings his sweetie some food while she's nesting.

A personal favorite is the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. They are at the feeders from morning to night. They sing such sweet songs.

I've finally been successful in attracting the Orioles (jelly, mealworms, orange sugar water and orange slices do the trick.) They are definitely the most spoiled bird at my cabin.

What birds are you seeing? What is your favorite?


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Shelley, Glad you are enjoying the cabin ---and seeing some gorgeous birds. I did a birdie blog this week and showed a beautiful Red Headed Woodpecker....

I also had some bad news. Something happened to my baby Bluebirds in the nest.. Daddy has disappeared and Mama seemed to give up trying to care for them... They died. I cried and cried. Hope another set come back and try again.


Powell River Books said...

How wonderful to have so many birds nesting. When I get back to the cabin I hope to find some nesting swallows, including our barn swallows up under the eves. - Margy

Bonnie K said...

Oh I love orioles! I miss them. Great photos. We used to have blue violet swallows at our old house. Now I have warblers, crossbills, flycatchers, nuthatches, chickadees, and fat old turkeys:) Thanks for sharing the photos.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Beautiful bird pictures! We have blue birds, cardinals, goldfinch, chickadees hummingbirds. My favorite is the bluebirds.

April said...

Such pretty pictures, Shelley! It's really hard for me to choose a favorite, but I do love Cardinals.

Sandi Keene said...

We have a great blue heron that stands quietly in our yard fishing out of the lake. He throws his head back and swallows the fishies in a quick motion like a frat boy with a shot glass.

Love your photos as always!

Connie said...

I love that Oriole photo, Shelley. I think I have seen that kind of bird only once.

Dawn Marie said...

ohhh they are sooo pretty! I've been thinking of trying to get some Orioles here also. I dont normally feed in the warmer months.

George said...

I'm glad your bird houses are occupied and will soon need nurseries. I really like the picture of the Grosbeak you captured. They were around here earlier, but have since moved on. The oriole is a neat capture as well.

Tami Weingartner said...

I love Swallows....they always look slightly grumps...in a cute way.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Great pictures, as usual Shelley!
Last week I got a call from my daughter "Mom, what is the bright orange and black bird?" She had one in her yard.
The Rose breasted grosbeak has been a favorite of mine, but I true favorites are the Chick-a-dee and Cardinal.They are so common here but I love them so!

Knatolee said...

Love the oriole! Had one in my garden the other week.

Caroline said...

I have a sweet little Willy Wagtail at the moment.

Just a little something from Judy said...

My favorites right now are the bright yellow Finches that visit my mother's bird feeders now. I also was thrilled with the pictures I captured of the Woodpecker at my daughter's home. Once again, your photos are over the top!

wildaboutwales said...

not as colourful as yours these summer months but we do get the odd ones .