Friday, November 14, 2008

Another day in the log cabin kitchen

What does this red squirrel have to do with this post? Well nothing really, except I thought he was cute and as I was watching him eat all the suet cakes meant for my birds, I decided I needed a little treat myself from the log cabin kitchen!

Please have a seat. Pretty soon those pumpkins will be gone and it will be time to get the log cabin decorated for Christmas! Also, I'm starting to crave cranberry pecan bread that comes out from my favorite deli this time of year. Stay tuned, I'm going to have a giveaway of that special bread!

I found the log cabin Christmas serving ware at Kohls! Perfect for my abode! Now they need some cookies - something easy and quick to make.

Have you tried this Nutella stuff? Hazelnut spread with milk and cocoa....yum! Well let's spread this on some soft ginger cookies. (Repeat SOFT ginger cookies - not those spicy ginger snaps that I don't care for.)

I have a confession. I was too lazy to make homemade soft ginger cookies, so I made them out of box. (Really, I do know how to cook...) Well take 2 cookies, and spread the nutella on one - then stick them together.

I like the combination of the ginger, hazelnut and cocoa. Plus I like the fact that I was munching on cookies less than 30 minutes after the craving set in! And really....I will have more sophisticated recipes coming up in the future.....


Constance said...

I like that idea for the cookies! I bake up a storm for the Christmas Holiday and pass out trays to all of my cleaning customers, friends and neighbors. I also cheat but on my dipped gingersnaps. I have a wonderful recipe for a baked cookie but by the end of the day, I am so tired I use the boxed ones. They're so easy, you just dip one end of them iin melted almond bark (white). VERY yummy!

I have those same little plates from KOHL'S! I have so much Christmas kitchenware as well as Christmas China that I am hard pressed to use it all! Laura just found me a Christmas Deviled Egg tray. My cabin kitchen is going to have to be biggest room in our cabin! ha Ha!


reliv4life said...

Love the platters!

Rick and Dianne said...

Oh Shelley...those serving platters
are absolutely perfect! Love the red door on them...LOL

I'd run to Kohl's now...except it's a 6.5 hour drive to the one I know!!!

*Decides to check online and save the gas*

Carol said...

I love your log cabin plates! I LOVE shopping at Kohl's!

Lolosblog said...

Love your log cabin plates and I LOVE shopping at Kohl's!

Those cookies look yummy and I haven't had breakfast yet!

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

It all looks soo very yummy...

and the pics of the squirrel is darling.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yum-Yum-Yum... I can almost SMELL those cookies from here!!!! I can't wait to see pictures of your new cabin all decorated for Christmas!!!!

Jen said...

I better get to Kohl's! 'cause I like cookies too! HA!

Cliff said...

Hey Shellmo does the log cabin kitchen have any Log Cabin syrup?

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

You got those serving plates at Kohls? Wow...I love those! The cookies look yummy too!

The squirrel is so cute...what a friendly looking visitor!

I can't wait to see your lob cabin all Christmasy! Stop back by my blog later this weekend for some Christmas pictures in my cedar home.

Have a great weekend there in Michigan, Shelley!


Shelley said...

Connie - I want to have a cookie baking storm too! Kohls is a great place to find rustic dining and serving ware.

Michele- glad you like them! They had such a great selection there - hard to choose.

Dianne - go online to kohls - they're having a sale and I believe free shipping today and tomorrow!

Carol - isn't Kohls the best?!

Brandi - wish I could send you some cookies!

Terri - the squirrels are getting more bold - they run up to my feet now!

Betsy - I am trying to restrain myself from decorating for xmas too's hard!

Jen- ha,ha!!

74 - As a matter of fact I have Michigan made PURE maple syrup that I pour on my blueberry pancakes (wild blueberries that I picked this July.) Doesn't that sound great?

Shelley said...

Country girl - thank you! Looking forward to seeing your decorations too!

Cliff said...

Too bad I'm diabetic:-(

But it does sound great.

The Three Little Bears said...

Ooohhh!!!! DELICIOUS! Can you send some this way? Yum!

Hey, I tried to email you about chikita. I am signed up, but how do I put it on my blog?

Cassie said...

Now my mouth is watering!We always give the daughter Nutella for her Christmas stocking.She loves the stuff.Now I have a new Nutella treat to make her for Christmas. Thanks!

A Green and Rosie Life said...

You've been tagged - for more info have at look at

Rosie x

Nanny said...

YUM! Okay, I need to try that flavor combination. It sounds soooo good with a cup of hot coffee. I am looking forward to your more sophisticated recipes too! It's that time of year again. I love the holidays.

Denise said...

I can imagine eating those at your counter with a cup of hot coffee. I'm going to have to check out Kohl's.

Jessica said...


Anonymous said...

I would love to see your cabin all decked out for Christmas. Your kitchen is just beautiful.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I have a jar of Nutella in the cupboard, but no ginger cookies. Off to the store!