I miss my black squirrel despite him getting into the bird's food all the time. Check out the snow on his face!

I miss the chickadee's curiosity.

I miss the barking call of the red-bellied woodpecker. They always announce their arrival.

I miss snow shoeing through the woods.
And I miss the views of the snow covered lake.
Hope you are feeling better. I am sorry you are not at your cabin. Soon?
Oh, Shelley, I'm sorry you're sick! I hope you feel better real soon! I know you want to spend every moment you can at that magical place!
I pray you can get there soon.
I'm so sorry to hear you are sick! I hope you feel better soon and are able to get back to your cabin. I'm sure all your friends there are missing you too.
Hope you are up and around soon to go to your log home! Lovely pictures.
Awwww... Wouldn't it be better recouping at the cabin?
rest, stay warm and drink lots of fluids and eat good food,... you will be back there before you know it. I don't blame you for missing it,... I'd want to be there all the time. Hope you feel better very soon!
Dear Shelley,I'm so sorry you are ill!! Hope your well soon.Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas.I'm so glad you are getting to live your dream with your log cabin.I love seeing the pics & all the wildlife,just beautiful !! Will you one day move to your cabin ? or is it a getaway ? Maybe you already posted & I missed that part ,if so, sorry to ask again ! Happy New Year !!
Prim hugs & Blessings,
I hope you're feeling better Shelley. Love your pictures of your wildlife friends, I know you're anxious to visit them soon!
Hi Shelley!
So sorry to hear about you having the flu. I hope you are up and back at the cabin in no time!
Sandi - thank you! I am hoping we can make it there next week...
Tammy- I am so anxious to go...!
Lady of the Mote - your prayers are very appreciated!
Mom2 - thank you! I have all sorts of birdy treats for them too!
Brandi - thank you! I have the hubby feeding me crackers & soup.
Jessica - I was thinking that...too bad I didn't get sick up there - lol!
Cedar - I've been drinking a lot of green tea and every flavor of gatorade. Can't wait until I can have hot chocolate - lol!
Hi Sharon - thank you for your get well wishes! It's just a vacation home for now - but maybe one day it will be permanent...
Carol - thank you! you are so right about me missing my wildlife friends!
I love all of the beautiful photo's. Hope you feel better soon and have a Happy New Year.
I'm sorry your not feeling well. Hopefully you will be up and about soon. Your pictures are always such a treat to see.
Great pictures. rest is important. Don't get busy to fast and have it come back.
I'm so glad you are feeling a little better so much so that you are missing the cabin:) I don't blame you for missing the animals and squirrels BTW I've never seen a black squirrel before.lol He is so cute, we just have the typical grey one's here and they to get in the birdfeeders!
Shelley ~~ I see you are feeling a tiny bit better,cause you stopped here in CT for a visit. : - )
Hope you feel better and stronger each and every day,so you can get out to the cabin soon. And when you do I hope you can enjoy a hot chocolate w/marshmallows and sit
before a roaring fire and look out on to the lake and ring in 2009 ~~
Wishing you and the Family a Healthy Happy
New Year ~~ Hugs ~ Connie xox
I miss it too and it's not even *my* cabin! LOL
Hope you are able to return soon. The fireplace was probably you best gift this year.
I hope you recovery quickly! Take care of yourself.
Shelley---It won't be long 'til you get to make that trip. BUT--Mama says: Stay calm, get alot of rest and get well... You don't want to have a set-back. God Bless!!!
I know how much you miss the log cabin. I would also!!!
Hope you are feeling better! I can see why you love your log cabin so much.
I really hope you feel better soon. You really have me rethinking the whole flu shot thing. I was always told not to get it. Anyway, I love your blog, your pictures are so beautiful and the log cabin reminds me of mine that was taken so wrongfully from my family by our mortgage co.
I can't wait to rebuild one. In about 2 more years! We were just looking at Kuhn's Brothers website the other day. Take Care
I hope you can soon get back to your cabin. Just get well first!
Bummer - I feel your pain.
hopefully soon you will feel good again and get back there.
that squirrel just rocks and they wouldnt be as fun to watch if they werent so naughty!
You must dream to live! You will feel better soon, I just know it.
All is so beautiful there! Hope you are feeling better, Shelley, and can get back to your log cabin soon.
Best wishes, all my thoughts (...and my blue hyacynts!) are for you!
Monica x.
Feel better Shelley!! Happy New Year!!
Oh Shelley, I miss your log cabin too!! Feel better before the New Year!!
Love that photo of the cabin. I can imagine how much you miss being there. It will seem even that much better when you can get back. Get well...and soon....
Oooooh! - Black squirrels...chickadees...woodpeckers! Be still my beating heart!! - Will have to 'make do' with flocks of very greedy seagulls around here! ..and an elderly (gorgeous, I might add..) Cavalier King Charles!!
Sweet day dreaming...and get better soon, you'll soon be 'dreaming' of the time you spent resting!! - Soooo frustrating I know..
All best
Feel better soon Shelly. Your cabin is awaiting her mistress.
I noticed your beautiful cabin when I glanced at other comments when I was posting a note on Charli and Me. We live in Virginia but frequently drive through Gaylord on the way to our properties on the U. P. We have a cabin (not log) in the Hiawatha National Forest and a small place on Lake Superior in the town where Hiwatha Log Homes has their headquarters. We've been to the factory once or twice.
I hope to be back soon to read more about your cabin and to take a closer look at the lovely photos on your other blog.
Michelle - thank you and happy new year!
Charli - thanks! Hoping I can make it up next week and shoot some new photos!
Grammy - you are certainly right about the rest part! Today I conked out early!
Rondell - my black squirrels are fun to watch & have become quite tame!
Connie - I am dreaming of the hot chocolate.... :-)
Pam - lol!!
Leedra - you know me well - it was my best gift!
Catherine- thank you - the hubby says I've got color back in my cheeks! :)
Betsy - good advice - appreciated! So hard to stay still!!
Dawn - I am dreaming about it everyday...
Janette - I hope everything works out for you! I know what its like to long for a log home!!
George - thanks! Counting down...
Jylync - I don't know what hurts worse - my stomach cuz of the flu or my heart cuz I'm not at the cabin!
Dawnie - you're right! I do like watching their naughtiness!
Darla - thank you so much!
Monica - thanks for the hycianths (i still don't know how to spell it - lol!)
Sandy - happy new year!!
Jane - thanks! Looking forward to cooking a decent meal up there too! The chicken broth & jello diet is getting old. lol!
sandy - glad you liked that photo!
Molly - my sentiments exactly! :-)
Judy - thank you! Hoping there are some fluffy snow flakes up there for me too - just a little though.
Sure hope you get to feeling better...wishing you all the best in 2009!
Oh boo hoo!! So sorry to hear that. We were just talking about the flu, although we did not get shots this year. The last time I had it was the winter after we moved in to our house, 10 years ago. Must be a log cabin thing.
Hope you are up north again real soon. Take care.
I have been way too busy the last few days, which prevented me from visiting some of my favorite blogs. I am sorry that you have been so sick. When I saw your post today, I could totally understand why you would miss all of the different aspects of your cabin...I would have too. What a place!! I am always showing my husband the pictures that you post. Log cabins will always be in his dreams. Hope you are soon feeling better. Thank you for your kind comments regarding the wedding.
That Black Squirrel is ADORABLE! I hope your home and tucked into your own bed soon!
You've got me missing it through your narrative and your photos, and I've never even been there :) Your black squirrel looks great. It must be a lot of fun to watch it meander. I am glad you are feeling better in time for the New Year.
Oh shucks, I feel bad for you now. Do you have a pic of that fireplace? We are wanting one for our bedroom at the cabin and one for our sunroom, here downstate.
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