Thursday, April 2, 2009

Nature Lover

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
~Native American Proverb

"Let us a little permit Nature to take her own way; she better understands her own affairs than we." ~Michel de Montaigne

This is a photo of Kolke Creek which is not too far from where our log cabin is located. Can you see the animal tracks in the snow? Perhaps from a rabbit or squirrel. I'm looking forward to going back and catching a glimpse of my wildlife friends.


Something Nice and Pretty said...

Beautiful nature pics, Shelley!

Cedar ... said...

Our animal neighbors are fascinating to watch and listen too, aren't they? This morning the turkeys are gobbling up a storm out in the woods. Snow is gone now so I don't see the tracks, but they are making their prescence known!

April said...

Simply beautiful! Let us know what you find!

Constance said...

The crocus picture is great! The close up view shows such beautiful patterns within!

One of the many reasons I enjoy your blog is that we usually can count on a great outdoor shot! The fresh animal tracks on the snow is cool! Dave got several pictures like that when we were in Yellowstone this Winter!

Dawn Marie said...

I can see the tracks. thats one nice thing about snow--you can always tell someone's been around.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Shelly: Very neat shot of the wintery scene.

Chris Courtis said...

Wow that looks amazing, mind you I am glad that the winter has gone here and we are now coming into spring.

Just a little something from Judy said...

When I saw this picture part of me felt sad to see the last signs of Winter. I like those little foot prints, and the picture. I look forward to ALL of your outdoor shots.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I always loved living in the country in the winter. It was so fun to go out into the woods after a freshly fallen snow, looking for animal tracks...

Beautiful photo!

reliv4life said...

I love the quotes and the picture. thought provoking...

The Retired One said...

Yes, I love the little tracks too!
I will look forward to seeing what little animals you can catch on camera too!
Let us know where you will be setting up at what craft show, so if we live near, we can come!
Would love to meet you in person!

Dawn Fine said...

Love the quotes..
Let us know what you find!

Ginger said...

That's a great picture of the creek and the animal prints in the snow. Is any of your snow melting yet?

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

That is a beautiful picture. I would love to be there. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Christine said...

Hi, Thanx for stopping by my new blog! I'm still working on that post...with my next trip to Victoria's Secret!:D Nature is all around us here in this Lovely State, I Love Michigan!

grammy said...

Back to winter. Really, it is just not done with us yet.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful and serene it looks.
Yes, please let us know if you find any critters ♥ I hope you are having a happy day!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love seeing animal tracks in the snow, Shelley... We didn't get much snow here this winter, but one winter, after we had quite a bit of snow, we saw all kinds of critter-tracks in the snow. It was fun to watch.

Great picture.

Jane In The Jungle said...


John Poole said...

Hi Shelley,

Lovely photo, and the quotations are very appropriate.

I managed to post photos of those crocuses on my blog, by the way. They are identical to the one in your photo. Check it out when you get a chance!

Have a great weekend,

Something Nice and Pretty said...

Thanks for stopping by...GW stands for Goodwill:)
Have a great evening!

Small Pines said...

Was just thinking how nice a subject that photo would be for a painting. Not by me, though. LOL I have trouble with trees! LOL

Nanny said...

Love the "native American Proverb". So True!