Friday, October 10, 2008

Why I love Northern Michigan

I had the most beautiful drive this morning up to our log home. As soon as I reached Northern Michigan, the trees showing off their beautiful colors (Gaylord is at 80% peak), I saw 2 baby deer off in the field and I watched a hawk fly over the interstate. I had escaped the suburbs! But that's not the only reason why I love Northern Michigan.....this view off my deck says it all.


Cliff said...

Sit on that deck with a cup of coffee and a slice of apple pie. Take in that view and then forget about your problems.

Have a super weekend!

reliv4life said...

just beautiful, Shelley! Enjoy yourself!!

Nanny said...

As I am writing this comment, I have 2 deer walking through my back yard....In the "City of Tomorrow, Today"!

I agree with you Shelley, Northern Michigan is lovely this time of year. This post is making me think about taking a drive "Up North" soon. At least, before the color is gone. Enjoy your weekend!

Constance said...

WOW! It must be nice. I am still running the A/C during the day! The nights have been better, I have been sleeping with the windows open the last couple of days! My house looks like Fall with its decorations but the temps outside are still clinging to summer!


Our leaves here in Texas turn too! Only an ugly brown color and then fall off. Come to think of it, they do that n the summer too if they don't get watered enough! Ha Ha!

Rick and Dianne said...

What a gorgeous view. I can only hope that by this time next year we'll have our deck in and be able to enjoy something similar.

In the meantime...would you mind if I just enjoyed yours? Keep those pics coming...and I'll also need some winter snow ones when the time comes...LOL

Shelley said...

74 - you set the perfect scenario - thanks!!

Michele/Reliv - thank you so much!

Mom2 - That sounds wonderful!!

Connie - it's great to sleep w/ the windows open at this time of year!

Dianne - come on up! I have a chair ready for you! :-)

sandy said...

It definitely does say it all.

Makes me want to grab a jacket and go hike around there.