Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Experiencing nature at the Log Cabin

One of the biggest joys of where our log cabin is located is all the beautiful nature that surrounds us. Whether it's out our cabin door or in the next county over - Northern Michigan has a wild beauty all its own.

Nature can be so peaceful......

Like water running over snow covered rocks in the Ausable River....

A beautiful Doe frolicking in the woods....

A group of Mallard Ducks swimming soft circles.....

Or it can be vicious like a cougar attacking your arm!


Anonymous said...

Here's to nature, and lol @ your cat!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I loved growing up in Michigan. It is a beautiful state. Love your attack cat :-)

Phill said...

Ah! Felicity! We have an AuSable River in our area - it's a big deal in the High Peaks area of the Adirondacks. I knew there was another one in Michigan, but I had never really known much about it. Neat!

Christy said...

Yeah cougars of that nature can be very vicious. But seriously, I am with you, I am in total awe of all the beauty that MI nature has to behold. I think we have some of the most beautiful wildlife around. But I am in no way partial at all here now, am I?

Cassie said...

Your pictures are making me miss farrr N.Idaho even more! I see Marvin is an attack cat. he he.

Anonymous said...

LOL I just love Marvin!
I can't tell you how many times my son's have been up and down the Ausable river on canoes, rafts, and even tires. It's just beautiful up there. My uncle owned some land near Roll-a-way's and our son's camped along the river all the time.

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

You're so blessed to enjoy your nature and your log cabin, Shelley! I always love your photos!

Have a great day!

Monica said...

Shelley, such beautiful pictures!! I would LOVE to come to Michigan!!!!
Monica xo.

April said... always!

Nanny said...

LOL....I kept expecting these serene nature pictures as I was scrolling down. You surprised me with the picture of Marvin...

Caroline said...

Oh you have cougars to. I have a lion. Love them to bits.

grammy said...

I like the cougar attack (o:

Joy ~ Doodlebug ~ said...

Michigan is soooo beautiful!!!!! Yes, here's to Nature and Marvin!!! lol!

Love, Joy =D

Sandy@American Way Farm said...

Love the pictures. BTW, gave you an award. Come over to my blog and pick it up. -Sandy

Anonymous said...

You have to watch out for the vicious cougars in the wild. :>) I love photos that show water churning or even waves crashing. It's such a beautiful area you live in with a multitude of photo opportunities.

Cliff said...

I'm so glad you took the time
To show us all your friends
Even in this cold clime
The wonder never ends

Just a little something from Judy said...

You are increasing my desire to visit Northern Michigan. The beauty that you capture so often with photography, is AMAZING!!! I also enjoy the humor that you throw in...with the last photo.

Dawn Marie said...

your cat is funny! i was hoping to see more or springy type pictures but we just got snow and another cold snap. gonna be a few more weeks i guess.

•♦•©The Olde Weeping Cedar •♦• said...

Hi Shelley-what a beautiful 'neck of the woods' you live in! I so enjoy all your pictures :)

Have yourself a great day, girl!


Dawn said...

i love your photos!! and the cougar is ferocious!!

John Poole said...

At least the cougar is indoors, and not wreaking havoc with the wildlife outside! :-)

Unknown said...

You make every dream I have ever had of living in a cabin in the mountains come true!!

Jen said...

So is winter back in Gaylord? Hope you didn't put your snow shoes away yet.

Jane In The Jungle said...

LOL, cute post!!

Shelley said...

Cam - cheers to nature!

Penny - I wish you were my neighbor!

City Mouse - Cedar had mentioned that too! I would love to see photos and hear more about it!

Christy - We are so lucky to be living here! I truly believe that!

Cassie - I think marvin might be mistaken for the cougar sightings in northern Michigan. lol!

Charli - it is a great place to canoe!! And how wonderful your son got to camp there on your uncle's property. He'll have great memories forever I bet!

Tammy - thank you! I do feel so blessed!

Monica - come on over! bring your dog!

April - thank you!!

Mom2 - I wanted to see who was still awake at the end of the post - lol!

caroline - big kitties are the best!

Grammy - it wasn't pretty - lol!

Joy - I'm glad you think Michigan is beautiful! I do too! marvin says hello!

Sandy - thank you and you are very nice! :)

Jylync - I think I've only tapped a tenth of the photo opportunities up here! Hoping to master my camera more.

Wixy - loved the poem! Made me smile!

Judy - you would love it! Northern Michigan is an undiscovered gem in my opinion.

Dawnie - is this the longest winter ever or am I impatient? wait - don't answer that! lol!

Kath - thank you! I think as I've gotten older - I've slowed down to enjoy the beauty around me more!

Dawn - shortly after attacking my husband, the "cougar" wanted to sit on my lap and have his ears scratched! lol!

John - I know the birds are glad I keep him inside! Ha,ha!!

Darla - that was so sweet of you to say! :)

Jen - winter is coming back w/ a vengeance! Looks like more snow shoeing and skiing ahead!

Jane - thank you!

Sandi Keene said...

Hey Shelley-
Yes, removed. Had surgery a week ago today. Am recovering well. Saw surgeon for post-op visit today and all looks great. I am starting to feel kinda "normal" again.

This was not fun. You know what I mean! So glad to have it mostly behind me.

Thanks for stopping by.