Saturday, February 21, 2009

Live from the Snowman Cam!

I have a little addiction I need to tell you about! I am addicted to the live streaming Snowman Cam in Gaylord, Michigan. This isn't too far from our log cabin. This live streaming snowman cam originally started out as a way for a gentleman named Ken Borton to keep his family informed about the weather conditions in his area. This web cam has now become famous and has been featured on ABC, USA Today as well as receiving many awards such as the Top Nature Cam. His web cam is focused on his wooden snowman, his goose statue and a thermometer. If you check it out sometimes - you'll see bear, turkey, deer, birds, squirrels and much more! I check it almost every day (this photo is from this afternoon) and I love seeing who visits his yard. Sometimes you'll see the goose and the snowman dressed up. Overall, its just a fun site to visit!

P.S. We weren't able to make it to the log cabin this weekend - there were just too many winter warnings for us to risk it. So now that my crying is under control, I am going to do a little shopping and find some cool items for the cabin. Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

I will have to check it out, and also show it to my dd :) Sorry you couldn't make it to the cabin, but better safe than sorry as they say (we're getting 7-8 inches of snow tomorrow). Happy shopping!

reliv4life said...

I think that is fabulous! I am addicted to the web cams at Glacier Nat Park. Actually I think almost all the national parks have them. hope you find some goodies!

Cedar ... said...

Great shot from the cam,...and thanks for tipping me off to the Rob at Cottage Chrionicles nice comments about Adirondack View! I was so surprised at such wonderful words!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sorry you couldn't make it Shelley. SO--it's better to be safe than sorry.

We have new computers--and have spent most of today getting them all set up. It will probably take another day or two. BUT-they are WONDERFUL--and faster than lightning.

Have a great Sunday.

Dawn Fine said...

Well that is a fun addiction...I am going now to check it out...
Hope you buy some fun stuff for the cabin.

Just a little something from Judy said...

How sad that you did not make it to the cabin this weekend. I would have been crying too. The snowman cam story was facinating to me, but your addiction to it, really did make me smile. Thanks for opening up to all of us and sharing such a private addicition. I am going to pay a visit myself to the snowman cam. Hope that your shopping excursion was rewarding.

Jen said...

Better safe than sorry.
That snowman cam is cool! Happy shopping to you.

Nanny said...

We made it out for skiing and Yes! the boys loved it. They can't wait to try it again. Driving up was not too bad but coming home was a little treacherous. So sorry you weren't able to make it to your cabin this weekend. Better safe than sorry. I know a little shopping would help me cope. Can;t wait to see what you bought for the cabin! Enjoy!

George said...

I'm glad your crying is under control, but I'm sorry you couldn't make it to the cabin. I have no doubt, however, that you found some nice things to take to up there the next time you go. The snowman cam is pretty neat!

Art said...

Sorry you weren't able to get to the cabin. Thats the advantage of living in one, we never have to trael to get there. We got a little snow last night here in SE Ohio. Hopefully you will be able to get to your cabin soon.

NCmountainwoman said...

Great link. Who would have believed we could have so much fun watching these things? I'm sure it doesn't quite make up for missing the cabin, but nice nonetheless.

Heather said...

A Snowman Cam, that's pretty cute. Thanks for sharing. Sorry to hear you didn't make it up to your cabin this weekend - I was wondering. What kind of fun (girly?) stuff did you buy?

A. Joy said...

What a great idea for that man's web cam! How fun and the fact that he gets so many animal visitors makes it really exciting to check in!
Were you able to find anything great for your cabin - maybe something to help it get through the storms like a big blanky and a teddy bear?

Anonymous said...

I loved looking at this snow cam. Thank you so much. Does he do one for summer too? I found all kinds of interesting things on it. I hope you find something neat for the cabin and share a pic with us :>)

Ginger said...

That has to be disappointing that you couldn't make it to the cabin. I hope you found some great things when you were shopping, to make up for it!!
Nice shot from the cam.

Joy ~ Doodlebug ~ said...

Oooohhh.....I'll have to try that out......what a great idea!

Love, Joy =D

Anonymous said...

I went up yesterday no problem from metro Detroit. I left at about 6:30 A.M. and arrived at my cabin in elmira just before the storm hit. My cabin is unfinished so we had to drive through the storm all the way back. You could have went up!

Shelley said...

Cam - 7-8 inches? Wow! I'll bring a shovel to come help dig you out!

Michele - I didn't even think to ck the national park cams - thanks!

Cedar - Rob has a great site and is nice about mentioning other people's blogs!

Betsy - congrats on your new computers and your lightening speed!! :)

Dawn - I did pick up some fun items I'll have to post. THanks for coming by!

Judy - I hope you like the snowman cam too! It's like my own little mini weather report!

Jen - thanks for the shopping wishes!

Mom2 - glad to hear the boys enjoyed the skiing! My stepson loves it!

George - I'm always on a scavenger hunt for the cabin - but trying to stick to a budget as well. Glad you liked the snowman cam!

Hi Art - I wished we lived at our cabin full time! One day...

Nc - the best is when you see all the deer eating at once or the bear causing mischief!

hi heather - I'll have to post some photos of my "bargain" finds! I bought some cabin decor items!

A.Joy - I should've consulted you before I made my purchases! A blanky and a teddy sound nice too! Ha!

Charli - he has it up year round - be sure to check in the evening when the wildlife really gets active!

Hi Ginger - thank you - shopping does seem to lessen the blow! lol!

Joy - I think you'll enjoy seeing the animal visitors!

Stobl Cabin - You do not realize how regretful I am! Ah well... there's always next weekend!

Simple Home said...

I'd never seen this. Thanks so much for sharing it. Me and my kids have been watching and enjoying it. I love your blog.

Cassie said...

Cool cam! What is the website? Pat took his game cam down when we left the cabin...said it was too cold.

Jackie said...

Shelley, I share your pain! We didn't get up to Gaylord this weekend either, our place is basically closed until the spring thaw...the well pump went bad and the well head is buried under feet of snow. No water, no cabin fun :(

Dawn said...

look at that snow!! i'll have to find that web cam... my kids would love it! my husband's cousin was just visiting from Gaylord last week- i guess she went home to snow! (we were there a few october's ago for a very fall themed wedding... and it snowed! my son's first "real fall" and snow!)