As many of you already know, my log cabin is my "happy place." And what better place to celebrate Valentine's day with my sweetie? I ordered one of our absolute favorite treats - Cranberry Pecan Bread from Zingerman's to bring up with us. If I could get my hands on that recipe.....and then make fresh loaves every day.......oh never mind! I'll just continue spending the $15 per loaf until the day I die. (P.S. One of my blogger buddies - Charli & Me - just did a post on Zingerman's. It's just a wonderful place you have to experience!)
Since the weather should be mild this weekend, Greg and I are going to try to clear a better path to the lake. We have a lot of brush in the way to reach the water. Besides, I'm a Loon Ranger - I have to have a better view of my little friends!
What are you planning for Valentine's Day?
Usually, when we go out we tend to go and eat at a nice restaurant but we do it at lunchtime menus and prices. Then we go to to a rush hour show.
This year however, I think we're going to veg at home and just enjoy some quiet time. Last year, My Hub and the others husbands in our LIFE Group surprised us wives with roses, a limo and a wonderful dinner! I never suspected a thing!
Your log cabin looks exactly what I picture a log cabin to look like. I just love when you post pictures of it, and the grounds around it. Sounds like a perfect way to celebrate Valentine's Day. My husband has been a bit tight lipped about what he has planned, so I'll let you know. He usually has special ideas.
As I'm single again from an unwanted divorce, I'll be having a nice valentine's day dinner at a restaurant with my best friend,... grocery shopping and back home again! Those of you with loving hubbies... do ENJOY!
I can't think of a better place to spend Valentin'e Day then in your beautiful cabin. Thanks for mentioning my blog in your post. Come over when you get a chance, Charli has a valentine for you and Marvin :>)
I REALLY want to move in....SERIOUSLY! Your cabin is like my dream come warm and cozy!
Since Chris has been traveling A LOT lately, I'm just going to make a nice dinner at home and treat him like a king!
Hey, be sure to pop over and enter my giveaway, if you haven't already. You'll find it at the bottom of yesterday's post!
Funny you should ask about Val. Day!
My hubby and I are going to an open house at "Beaver Mt. Log Homes"!
What a great way to spend Valentines Day.
Sounds like a great time. Randy & I got someone to take the kids afor a few hours and are planning on going out t o eat and a movie something we haven't done in years.
No wonder your cabin is your happy place -- it's gorgeous.
It should come as no big shot that Betsy and I are hoping to celebrate Valentine's Day by seeing some new waterfalls.
What a wonderful way to spend Valentines day...We will stay home and have a lovely dinner in front of our fireplace. I am thinking about making a lobster pasta dish we love.
I'm coming by you! you didnt know that did you? You got the bread, I'll make a nice quiche..and baldyman will bring fresh juice from our juicer.
Im staying home, I plan on cooking a nice dinner and setting us up by the fireplace. I bought a movie, cant remember the
I also bought him one of those music really large cards.
Looks like home--- anyone can have a house... it's the lucky ones that get to call it home....
I agree, Shelley... For you, there's no better way to spend Valentine's Day than at your log cabin... Life can't get any better than that!!!!
George and I will get away for a couple of days to celebrate Valentine's Day seeing some new waterfalls.
Hope you get your 'path' cleared..
It's sheep shearing day here on Saturday. That also includes their CD/T shots and feet trimming while we've got them cornered. In the evening, however, we'll probably go to the Rainbow Grille,(sounds like a burger joint but it's actually a gourmet restaurant at the Tall Timber Lodge. Wonderful food!), then back home for a movie and some snuggle time. Enjoy your Valentine's day. -Sandy
Lovely. ♥
Saturday will be crazy to try to go out to eat, and Friday there may be a lot of people doing it a day early...So we are going out tonight and have our V Day dinner date out. :)
We will be donating the money we would have spent on Valentines Day this year to The Victorian Bush Fire Appeal. 183 lives now lost I wouldn't have felt right having it when my fellow Australians are suffering so much. Nearly 1000 homes gone. I have done a post on My Valentines day if you come over to visit.
Connie - What a great surprise you had last year! Also I think its smart to have a valentines lunch instead of paying for a pricey dinner.
Judy - This year we have big landscaping plans so I'm excited for spring. Sounds like you'll have a wonderful valentines day!
Cedar - I think dinner w/ a friend is nice.
Charli - have I mentioned that Charli has the cutest outfits?!
April - In my future plans I'll have to build a log lodge to have everyone over! LOL! I did enter your nice giveaway - thank you!
Wendy - well you know that sounds fun to me! You'll have to do a post and let me know how it goes!
MIchelle - I hope you have a wonderful dinner w/ your hubby! Hope your little girl is feeling okay too!
George - I should've guessed waterfalls! LOL! I expect photos on your blog the day after so I can see them too. :)
Penny - the fireplace is an important part! Will you be posting that pasta recipe? hint, hint! :-0
Dawnie - I will expect you at 5:00 p.m. sharp. What kind of quiche? :-)
Screen Door - so true....even when it was first built and the only item we had was a bed - it was already home.
Betsy - like I told George - I expect photos of your wonderful waterfalls trip! Sounds extra romantic!
Sandy - after you do all that hard work - you certainly deserve a gourmet meal! Have fun!!
Jen - you are smart too. By the way - how do you make those heart symbols? I need to know how to do that.
Caroline - I think that is wonderful and generous. I feel so badly for everyone who has lost their home - makes me realize how grateful I should be for mine. I will of course be over to visit your blog.
Beautiful photo.
I'm going to have a houseful of family here.
My husband and I think of building a log cabin at a family plot in his father's village. You are an inspiration to me! Enjoy the Valentine's!
Looks like a wonderful Valentines Day.
We were going to go out to eat at a special resturant - but a friend called and wants us to celebrate her hubby's birthday with them and their family. Since we can always eat out, we decided it is more important to spend time with our friends on Sat evening. So that'll be fun also.
...and what a warm place it is to have a cozy Valentine's Day. I am heading up Saturday after work. Bill is heading up tomorrow. We'll have you guys over to our place soon!
We will be going out to dinner with friends it will be nice to catch up with them.
The bread has to be de-lish, I remember when you had it for a giveaway.
Well, my mom and dad are going on a date tomorrow and my grandparents are taking me to a friend's valentines party.
Beautiful place!
Love, Joy =D
Well Jason asked me a few weeks ago if I'd like to go out on a date with him tomorrow (Friday), not really Valentines Day, but of course I accepted. So he took off all day tomorrow, and I don't really know the plans. I just know I have the whole day and evening with my hubby and Joy will be staying with my mom and dad!
Your Valentine weekend sounds wonderful!
Sandy - hopefully that means a housefull of treats! :)
Irene - how exciting! I hope you do build your log cabin! Please keep me informed!!
Ruthie - that's nice that you decided to go out for your friend's birthday!
Denise - we are looking forward to it! Hope you & Bill have a great time this weekend!
Rondell - have fun w/ your friends!! (I will have another giveaway next xmas w/ that bread - I just love it!)
Joy - have a great time at the Valentine's party!!
Tammy - sounds like good surprises in store for you!!!
Hi Shelley:
Your cabin is the perfect romantic spot. I know you will have a great weekend.
That bread is pretty pricey, but I bet it's delicious.
Maybe Greg will surprise you with a dog for Valentine's day...
Shelly, What a perfect romantic place to spend Valentine's weekend.
My daugher will be leaving Saturday, so I will be a little sad, but Roy is home so I have my best friend and lover/husband.
Have a great weekend.
I love cranberry pecan bread, actually I love any kind of bread!
I will have just a lovely Valentine's evening with hubby and kids, cooking... hmm sounds like all my other evenings, LOL!
I was going to say that your log cabin looks like a romantic place for Valentine's Day (or any day ;)
We're going to the movies. Good luck with the clearing!
What a beautiful room!
I never tire of the rustic, yet warm and inviting look of a log home!
Your evening and bread sound wonderful!
Blessings to you!
Claudia O.
Hello Shellmo! I've seen you all over blogland and thought I'd come say hi :)
My matron-of-honor from waaay back...a college friend is Shelli and she is from Michigan and LOVES log cabins. I can't wait to tell her about your blog.
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