This log home is 8,000 square feet. I think it's so "warm" looking for its size and I love how it blends into the hillside.

This 10,000 square foot log home is located in Colorado. I love the roof angles and all that stonework on the bottom of the foundation.

This is one of the largest log homes in America. It is 20,000 square feet! The owners have 6 children and 10 grandchildren so I guess they can all comfortably sleep there, huh?

Check out this log home in Costa Rica! I bet the weather's nice.....

And here's our log home. We didn't make the cut for HGTV but I love my piece of paradise just the same!
I watched HGTV's ALC before and really enjoyed it. What beautiful homes - Yours included!
Of all those homes I like YOURS best! To me a log home should be cozy and homey, yours is. I had to smile at the thatched roof on the gazebo in Costa Rica, sort of our of step with the log home in the picture.
I love that one in Colorado! Of course, I must say...yours is my favorite! :) Have a great Monday!
All of those log homes are fascinating to look at, and I would enjoy visiting the people who own them and having a detailed tour, but yours is the one I would choose. I like smaller, cozier, your choice of decor, and the location. Somehow, in my mind a log house fits better in Michigan than in Costa Rica. Just personal opinion. My husband thanks you for sharing those with us.
Oh Shelley! I WANT one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Until I have a full staff of house keepers,butler, cooks, etc., I am going to stick with my little 2,000sq. ft. log cabin!! I love to look at those big ones though. Can you imagine the upkeep?!
i think they are all beautiful. I would be more inclined to have a smaller size one, simple because I would want to enjoy it..not spend all my time cleaning it.
Morning Shelley! Your log home is the perfect size! Those gigantic log homes on HGTV are too big to be cozy like yours!
I like yours the best! Those other ones are just toooo large.
Yes, I saw that show! There were some pretty amazing homes.
Yours, by far is the best.
All of the homes are amazing. I love your the best though :>) It is always so warm and cozy. I love how you share the experience of a log home with all of us.
Shelly, I like your log cabin best of all. I don't think I could be comfortable in any of the others.
I've seen that show---I wish they would make it more realistic, so others would think log homes could be a reality for them.
Shelley, All I can think about in a home as big as some of those is how in the world I would ever keep it clean. I guess, if I could afford a big home like that, I'd probably also have my own set of maids!!!!
BUT--I love yours the most... I'll take a smaller one which is cozy--in a heartbeat. I want one like yours on ONE floor with a wrap around deck and a HUGE wood-burning fireplace. Don't want much do I???? (Think I just described my home here, even though it's wood and not a log home!)
Beautiful log homes. We saw some wonderful cottages this past weekend - the log cabin cottages always look so warm and homey!
You know Shelley, I love yours the best! I love log homes, but mine would be a modest size! Yours seems so cozy, inviting, welcoming, and snug! Sometimes I think the bigger they get, they lose a little of the charm and character!
OK Ms. Shelley! Living in what I call to big of a log home,myself I have one word (or maybe 3) dusting those logs. I never thought about it while I was building. Didn't take long though to realize the work that was ahead of me. I am learning to like dust. LOL I like your home very very much. Did you know in Montana you can hire log washers. Not in WA. :-( Sharon
Thank you everyone for your kind comments! I do love my home and can appreciate the coziness!
I am sure your cabin is just the right size. Would you really want to clean that big a place? But I guess if you can afford that you can afford a maid. But that sort of defeats the "get away" feel. - Margy
Your home is beautiful. Who needs all that room to clean in the others.
Good golly - houses are so BIG nowadays! A 2000 square foot home would seem really big to me. I like yours better than the others, actually. Looks like a log home should!
Wow, great cabin finds! I could live in any one of those easily, comfortably, gracefully, majestically...I want them all!!!
love the cat photo too.
I could live in any of them!!! I love the color of the leaves in the tree next to your home.
THese are all gorgeous, but if I could have any one, I'd have yours, no kidding. It looks a lot like the log home in BC that we nearly bought. Beautiful!
Thanks so much for posting some beautiful log homes!!! My husband and I love going online and looking at log homes that are for sale! We also love HGTV! My hubby is a professional landscaper so he's always recording shows to get new ideas. Great post!
Wow - those ARE gorgeous. I like the one that's nestled into its surroundings best. But - I agree with lots of the PP -- log homes should be cozy and be a home, not a mansion. We subscribed to several of the log home magazines when we first started to build, but my hubby got disgusted and started calling them "Glass Home Magazine" and such, since they only seemed to feature huge log houses with little log and lots of huge windows!
Love your deck and the trees!!
I like how the first one blends also.
we are building three cabins. could you send me some of the names bloggers have sent you!
Could you please send me some of the names bloggers have suggested for cabin names? We are building three cabins and need to name them.
Thank you
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