Sunday, March 15, 2009

Easter came early to the log cabin

I couldn't find any bunny ears this weekend. But I did have a ladder and some Easter eggs...

Here's what Marvin thought...

I won't tell you what the Mister thought but let's just say I'm not allowed to use the ladder anymore. Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha!!!!


Cedar ... said...

Hmmmmm.... now I know that you are an independent woman,.. so i'm sure you will use the ladder whenever you want and disregard the "allow" word. hee hee.... p.s... I'm with Marvin! still laughing.... :) You "did good" Shelley! Funny,....

Just a little something from Judy said...

Once again, you brought a smile to my evening. I must tell you, I never saw easter eggs hung where you hung yours today. No wonder Marvin was laughing.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Shelley---How are you??? Love the Easter Egg decorations. Sounds like Marvin loved it also.

How was your week? We got home last night from Arkansas--and had a wonderful time although the weather didn't cooperate much. Because of the rain, we did see alot of water in the waterfalls --so that was nice.

Glad to be home though.

Lady of the Mote said...

LOL that's cute

joated said...

Nasty...just nasty, that is all.

I see there are still no leprechauns though.

Wildflowerhouse said...

I love it. Love it love it love it!!! Way to go girl. Sharon

Dawn Marie said...

lol, tell him that the deer wanted to be included in the Easter Celebrations also. My kind of gal!

Cindy said...

ha ha ha ha ha.......OMGosh......I LOVE IT!!! Did he take them down, tho? No? He likes them!! I was hoping you would do something to those horns!!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

So the antlers:)

Denise said...

The deer doesn't look very happy! Although Marvin looks like he's enjoying himself!

Have a great day, Denise

tincanlily said...

That is taking Easter decorating to new heights! Pretty eggs, confused deer!

Unknown said...

I might be with with the Mr. on this one!

Monica said...

Shelley... well, I am honored! THANK YOU!!!! And I am ready for the show!;)
As for the deer... ha! I'm still laughing!!!:)))

Cliff said...

Oh deer!

The Three Little Bears said...

Yeah, don't use the ladder anymore! Don't want to see where you will be hiding the eggs for the easter hunt. lol.

Barbara said...

Shelly, Roy would have a fit if I hung Easter eggs on this deer heads, but I agree with Marvin...that was funny. Hope you and yours are ok. We got much needed rain for three day and today it will be 82 degrees. Here comes the grass for our goats. Everything is better here now.

Anonymous said...

LOL I love it! I'm also with Marvin. You gave me my giggle for the day ♥ Thank you.

Constance said...

Me and ladders have an understanding ever since I fell off the roof hanging Christmas lights and had to get 11 stitches in the back of my head!

I LOVE the eggs, they sure class up the place! Tee-Hee!

Wall-to-wall books said...

Well if you can't get rid of it, at least decorate it! Right?

Nanny said...

oh, I can just imagine what the Mister thought! LOL Very cute!

Dawn said...

oh, i am with marvin... hahahaha!!! i'm sure your mister must have laughed a little... right? anyway, i love it!

NCmountainwoman said...

Now that is too funny! I'm surprised you didn't fall off the ladder laughing.

Anonymous said...

Fun post lol

Jen said...

I expected ears, but .....this is way better! HA!

Michelle said...

You did a great job Shelley. Ivote for use of the ladder anytime. Have a great week.

Patty said...

Oh that is priceless. I love it!

Cassie said...

Ha ha ha!I wondered what you meant earlier when you mentioned the deer head. I was afraid you were gonna take it down.Cute.Now Marvin needs some bunny ears!

Shelley said...

Cedar - of course I will continue using that ladder - :)

Judy - The hubby is taking them down next weekend - LOL!

Hi Betsy - glad you like the eggs! Wish you had had nicer weather on your trip!

Lady of the Mote - I thought so too - ha,ha!

Joated - i would expect you to side w/ the hubby. No leprachauns - but maybe next year...

Sharon - I think the deer liked it too - ha!

Dawnie - exactly!!

Hi Cindy - he didn't have time to take them down this weekend but I"m sure next weekend they will be! :)

Rondell - too bad it wasn't a 10 point buck - lol!

Denise - Marvin watched w/ great interest as I hung them - it was very funny!

Denise/Picket Fence - that deer is probably turning over in his grave!

Darla - you should've seen him shaking his head - ha,ha!

Monica - perhaps my deer decorating could be featured on your show? ha,ha!

Wixy - that isn't what the mister said - LOL!!!

Hot belly - you just gave me some more ideas...

barbara - jealous of your 80 degree weather!!!

Charli - always glad to make you laugh!

Connie - I'm not so good w/ a ladder either but it was worth it for this prank - lol!

Wendy - I do like it - even though I swear its eye follow me everywhere.... lol!

Mom2 - he told his family and couldn't understand why they were laughing - ha,ha!

Dawn - he did tell me my humor is a part of why he fell in love w/ me! Little did he know....

NC - The cat even climbed up the ladder for a better look and that made me laugh harder!

Cam - glad you thought so!

Jen - now if I only had those squirrel tails of yours....

MIchelle - I think I may ask for my own personal ladder for my next bday - ha,ha!

Patty - thank you! Now the mister has hidden his fox on me....

Cassie - I've been looking all over for bunny ears - if you know where I can find some, please let me know! :)

Leedra said...

From the expression on the deer's face he wasn't very happy either. He is probably the one that provoked your hubby.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Leedra’s Greeting Cards

Photography By Leedra

grammy said...

I can imagine what he had to say....those men! eggs were a very good choice.

Sandy@American Way Farm said...

Oh, what a pretty boy!

On the 2nd amendment video I put the direct link under it so you can view it that way. Your husband will love it too. Let me know what he thinks. -Sandy

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

I like to do things like that with the animal heads in our house too! My hubby says that I am desecrating them! he he And then he rolls his eyes. I think it looks great!Hugs, Bobbi Jo

reliv4life said...

the Mister needs to lighten up already - that is JUST lovely and does not take away from that buck's masculinity at all!!:)

Knatolee said...

Right, I LOVE the deer decorations! Fantastic. I'm with Marvin!

George said...

I think I understand why you're not allowed to use the ladder any more! But it is a cute decorating idea.

Catherine Holman said...

You are quite the prankster! I love it!

Heather said...

That deer head is just a little freaky. It's beautiful, but freaky at the same time. Maybe Marvin was making a maniacal laugh to go with the maniacal look in that deer's eyes! Sorry I've been away from your blogs for a while... I'm trying to get caught up. Happy Spring!