Sunday, March 22, 2009

It started off as a nice day...

It started off as a nice day. We were headed to our log cabin. My in-laws family were headed up to their cottage.

Look how blue the sky was.

Oh - did I mention that the road to my in-laws is a 2-track road? And did I also mention that we didn't count on the road not being plowed all the way? And that my mother-in-law would drive straight into a snow bank in the road?

That's not all. My brother-in-law tried to go through a back entrance and got his bronco stuck on an unplowed road. We now had two cars to dig out. Here's a photo of my husband and nephew walking down the road w/ shovels. (Parts of the road were melted - some were not.)

By the way, do you know that Road Service will not come to an unplowed road? My mother-in-law's truck was pulled out, but my brother-in-law's car which was in its own snow bank was not budging. We had to leave it. It will stay right where it is until the snow melts. Seriously.

And the worst part - my husband & I had encouraged them to come up this weekend and assured them the roads should be fine. And it was my brother-in-law's birthday. Yep, we have some serious making up to do!


Anonymous said...

Well that does not sound like it went as planned!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh I'm so sorry, Shelley... That's no fun I'm sure---getting stuck not just once, but twice. Bummer!!!!!

Hope you got to your cabin safely. AND---despite the problems, I hope you did have a good time.


Denise said...

So sorry to hear about that. When does the snow usually leave for the year?

Havea great day, Denise

Catherine Holman said...

They say that bad things happen in threes! Watch out for #3. Just kidding!

reliv4life said...

oh - so sorry! we had a similar experience one christmas in Missouri at my parent's house - got 3 cars in the ditch trying to get one out!

Cassie said...

Yikes, that wasn't a fun time. I'd probably be stuck right there with them...I think my Subaru is a tank and can go anywhere. Well, so far it has!

Anonymous said...

I remember one time we got stuck in Petoskey. No fun at all. I hope you can figure out a way to get your brother-in-law out. I have to say though that picture of them walking down the road is absolutely awesome! You take some of the best pictures I've ever seen. So pretty there.....

Cedar ... said...

Sorry your weekend went south on you,... that's never a good thing. By the looks of those photos it may be another couple of weeks before all of that snow is gone. We still have some here too back in the woods.

April said...

Awww...sorry things didn't work out exactly as you'd hoped. That's life for just have to roll with the punches sometimes! How long do you think it will be until things begin to thaw out around there? I'm sure you're ready for it!

Just a little something from Judy said...

One good meal from you would surely make up for any major inconvenience on their part. It is difficult to imagine vehicles stuck in snow, when the weather is warmer here. Great post! Love those pictures of the roads, the trees and the snow.

Constance said...

You and Greg have just provided your family with another story to share when you all get together. If your family's anything like ours, you won't be hearing the last of it for MANY years to come!

Cindy said...

Oh no!!! But I'm laughing anyway!! Been there, done that!!! More than once......I'm not laughing at you guys, I'm laughing at all the work my exhusband went thru on more than 1 occasion!!

The 2 tracks aren't even melted enough to get thru around here!!! Then it turns to muck, I'm thinking another month before 2 tracks are passable!

George said...

How do you make up for something like that? I'm sure you came up with something. I know it wasn't funny at the time, but I got a chuckle from your post.

Nanny said...

YIKES! What a bummer! Going Up North is suppose to be about getting away from the difficulties of everyday life. Not going to them! I sure hope the snow melts soon.

Monica said...

So sorry Shelley! Hope that snow will melt soon!!

joated said...


It's part and parcel of the 'tween season. Winter's not quite gone and mud season is starting. If the snow had melted, the road would have been mud until April and maybe more. There are times when even a four-wheel drive vehicle (like the Bronco?) can't handle it.

THe road up the top of the hill by me says "No Winter Maintainence" and means it! Underneath, however, someone used a black Sharpie to enter "Or Summer Either"! And when spring mud season is upon us (as it currently least in the afternoons...the road is at its worst!

Good luck to your in-laws. Hope he get the Bronco out before the town sends a grader down that two-lane. Anyone in the neighborhood with a good sized tractor?

Winifred said...

Oh dear! I'd hibernate until summer.

Jen said...

Oh gosh that's too bad. Did you get any paintball action?

John Poole said...

UGH! That hazards of Mud Time. Hopefully, the truck is free by now!

Wildflowerhouse said...

OOPS! Sharon

Leedra said...

Oops! Sometimes the best made plans...

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Leedra’s Greeting Cards

Photography By Leedra

grammy said...

Bummer! Crazy happenings. Hopefully the snow will melt FAST.

Shelley said...

Thank you everyone for your visit and comments! It did end up being a nice weekend and hopefully we'll get my brother-in-law's car out in the next 2 weeks - LOL!!!

Ginger said...

Does the county ever plow the road? or is up to the residents?
I guess it's a good time to call into work and say "I'm snowed in and won't be in today" lol